Saturday in the Cool

It is the end of season for football and our warm weather of 37 Celsius has returned for this weekend. I am thankful that I do not have any games this weekend, as it would be quite difficult out in the sunshine and fresh air today. So today I was indoors doing some washing, tidying up and generally chilling out.

This morning I spoke to Aunty Evelyn on the phone. She is so pleased that I have work and I caught up with some of the family news. Debbie has some kind of pinched nerve at C5 which affects all of her face and neck. It sounds really painful and persistent. Apparently Uncle Lloyd gets it, too, but not as severely. She has been off work for eight weeks and has still not found a solution to it apart from unpleasant tablets from the Doctors.

This was while I prepared the slides for Sunday mass, which was very early in the morning. The time zone difference meant that it was night time in England when Mum called Aunty Evelyn and Uncle Lloyd. I soon had the slides finished. I was also watching some NFL football on the television in the background.

I use a couple of wet flannels that I roll up length-wise and put near the fan. That creates a cool air flow for me in my room. This morning I made a peppermint, berry, milk and joghurt smoothie. I was testing the peppermint essential oil and used 4-5 drops. One drop would have been enough. I added some honey and it was very nice, if a little strong.

The newspaper arrived on our driveway with a loud, flattish thump, so I brought it in and skimmed through the stories. I like the circuit breaker word puzzle. It takes me a while but is somehow fun to do.