Talking to People

Lisa called today and we enjoyed a nice chat about finding work as a fitness professional.

If I had to say why I like to work in that field, it would be to share my experience and knowledge, help people gain confidence to improve their fitness and follow my dream of being a personal trainer.

Touch (rugby) football is an area where I really like to get out and referee and sometimes play in a team.  I also like walking, nutrition, stretching, basic sports massage, weight management, personal counselling and wellness coaching.

Although I have a fairly academic background already, I would like to complete the Diploma in Fitness which includes rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning coaching.  This would bring access to a new range of clients for me as a trainer, which is an asset for any gym.

Some of my best experiences include judging competitive aerobics at State and local level, training at a succession of really good gyms when I was working in the CBD, and taking up jogging so that I can run along the beach with the dog.

My main reason for starting fitness training was for relaxation and a break from work and study.  Fitness and sports can be great ways to wind down and meet people in a different environment from the everyday necessity of having a regular job or studying after hours to provide better service and knowledge in the workplace.

Later in the day Carissa called about the Open Day at her gym for Australia Day.  I asked her if she was looking for trainers and she said that she is.  I will visit her gym and take my resume to see what she thinks.