Tuesday on Holiday – Yeah!

Max was a bit slow in bouncing out of his bed this morning. By the time I had made my coffee and oats, he was out on the tiles by the back door. When Mum was up and I had changed into my running gear he was at the back screen door, making little “hurry up” noises. I only had to walk to the back door and he was there expectantly waiting.

We had a slower run this morning as Max kept stopping in front of me to make sure we only went in short bursts. He checked all his doggy mail at the lamp posts and other familiar places. We saw a Qi Gong or some kind of flowing movement class down at the park next to the beach. There were more people out with their dogs and the construction workers at the school and on the sea front were busy setting up. After our walk, I gave Max his skim milk drink again, which he relishes.

Mum was keen to have her hair done, but decided to go to the hair dressers for a perm instead of having me colour it. I washed my hair at home and chased up receipts for my trip to Gympie and Kingaroy so I could be reimbursed for my expenses. Then I checked in on emails and sorted out tomorrow’s training that will be covered for me by a colleague. Then my box fan stopped working, so I took it apart and cleaned it as it was full of dust. Dad had a vile-smelling spray for the motor and when I put it back together is seemed to go properly again.

As soon as Mum came back from the hairdressers she was ready to go shopping for groceries. We went to Coles, Woolworths, BWS for Dad’s Christmas drinks and Aldis. She still has to shop for her Pfefferkuchen ingredients, but that will wait for a couple of days while she prepares herself for a big day of baking in the summer weather.

It is choir practice tonight. We are rehearsing “Star Child”. Fiona has set it so her own arrangement in SATB, so I’m sure it will be great. She was probably thinking of her new baby daughter, Roisin, as she worked on the arrangement.

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